Event Details
Come to Ghana with us on our spring humanitarian trip! We will be collecting medical and school supplies, clothing, cash for projects, etc.; visiting orphanages, schools, villages (including the monkey village), medical clinics, and the King's Palace; working on projects, such as the rehabilitation center, the pig farm, and the village water project; teaching lifes skills and, best of all, making new FRIENDS and building new RELATIONSHIPS!!
Here are the details on the trip so far:
Date: May 19-31
$1500 + airfare (which is being looked into as we speak. Last trip was about $1250)
$60 visa
$130?? yellow fever immunization. Luckily, it lasts for awhile...in case you come back. wink emoticon
$200- $500 spending money for fun...
Payment is due:
Feb. 29 $300 nonrefundable deposit
March 15 $400
April 15 $400
May 15 $400
Of course, you're welcome to pay the $1500 in one payment, which will be gratefully accepted, as well. :)
I'm super excited about this trip as I start putting the details together. We had magic happen on our last one, and I expect this one to be even better now that we know our way around and have relationships built with people over there who are eagerly anticipating our return.
Let me know if you have any questions. We're super excited to go again and for YOU to come with us. We need YOU!!