Event Details
The Women2030 global project, funded by the the European Commission’s International Cooperation arm (DEVCO), is holding a project start-up meeting from 27th – 30th May 2016 in Nairobi, immediately following the Second Meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2).
The meeting will bring together the coalition of 5 global and regional women’s networks that are coordinating and implementing this a 5-year strategic project on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), including WECF International, Women Environmental Programme, Global Forest Coalition, Gender and Water Alliance, and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development.
The project aims to build capacity of women’s civil society organisations to advance local and regional equitable, inclusive and environmental sustainable development (including 2030-Agenda and climate change processes) through participation in policy development and monitoring, mobilizing citizen’s support and demonstrating best practices. The meeting will focus on the next steps in beginning the project implementation, including on the three key areas of the programme such as capacity building, strategic cooperation and policy advocacy and media and social outreach.
For more information please contact:
Jeanette Sequeira: jeanette.sequeira@globalforestcoalition.org