As part of activities to create more Windows 10 fans, Microsoft Ghana is organizing an official launch of Windows 10 in Ghana slated to happen on the 20th of November, 2015 at the University of Ghana Business School. Events start at 9 am prompt. This event is targeted at all tertiary students in Ghana and corporate businesses. Attendees will get the chance to upgrade to #Windows10 and experience demo’s of #Windows10 in real time.
Microsoft Student Partner’s from various tertiary institutions across the country will be available to help students and organizations at the event upgrade their devices to Windows and have a one on one chat with participants about Windows 10. There will be speakers from Microsoft and Corporate institutions that work with Microsoft at the event sharing their insights on why people must upgrade to Windows 10.
As part of the event there will be a Windows 10 DEMO competition for students in various tertiary institution. One student from a school will get the chance to compete for the prize which will be a device from one of Microsoft’s partners.
Windows 10 is considered as the “Best Windows Yet” to be produced by Microsoft. Since its launch this year, over 50 million devices across the globe have upgraded to windows 10 as their preferred operating system. Windows 10 comes with more amazing apps and an improvement over most windows produced by Microsoft since it began
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