By Andrew Barsa
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Whether you want to become an entrepreneur, property guru or successful investor, having the right IQ and knowledge is one thing, however having the EQ (emotional Quotient or intelligence) is what matters. The ability to identify, understand and manage emotions in positive ways is paramount. To make wise financial decisions you must know how to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. EQ is about working and mastering your inner blue print allowing you to live a successful life in any field. Andrew Barsa believes “Knowledge will give you education but success is the program of the mind”
Attend this workshop and discover some of Andrew Barsa's internationally renowned lessons and practices.
Andrew empowers business owners and corporate by offering them the effective strategies on leadership, purpose, and engaging employees to perform at optimum state, resulting in a 30 to 500% growth in profits within months.
Learn to unlock your own inner millionaire. At this 2-hour seminar, you will discover:
Best Selling Author & Top Wealth Psychologist, Andrew Barsa will be hosting this live coaching and teaching YOU wealth strategies.
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