Event Details
In order to promote a vegetarian diet (good for health, friendly environment and loving kindness for all living beings), Fo Quan Shan- Nan Hua temple’s Cutural Centre at Parkmore (107 11th St. Parkmore) is hosting a “vegetarian spring festival” on the 20th Nov. (Sunday) between 10:00am -12:00 noon. We cordially invite all public, friends and neighbours to come and taste more than 40 varieties of different delicious dishes of Chinese, Indian and local cuisine.
There will also be 3-4 food stalls to demonstrate how to make Chinese spring rolls, dumplings, pita bread and noodles. All visitors can try them as lunch so that no one will go home hungry.
Furthermore, we welcome people to participate in creating delicious vegetarian dishes. There will be a competition for the best dishes on the day. Please register with Du Mann Ying (cell: 082 372 3898 or email: ying.dumann@gmail.com) before 16th Nov.
Prepare one (or more than one) dish that one is good without any livestock, garlic, onion, spring onion or chives. The dish must be able to feed max 30 people and bring it to the centre at 9:30 (Sunday). The 1st prize is R 1000, 2nd R 700, 3rd R 500. There will be gifts for all participants in the competition too.
Entrance, testing and lunch are all free