By Strands of Pearls International
TRUE PARENTING workshop is for families with children Ages (5-18). It is a one day event on Saturday, 21st November 2015 at the Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana.
Facilitated by experts, True Parenting will share key "Parenting Concepts" that will assist you overcome most of your challenges and pave the road to a stronger family."
TRUE PARENTING will enable you see parenting in a different way. It fills the mysterious gap of fully understanding children's characters and personalities. It is obvious that we can't discipline, motivate, communicate, and build self-esteem with all children the same way without adopting the solid elaborate method of understanding personalities' theory.
UNDERSTAND yourself and your role as a parent.
UNDERSTAND your spouse deeply as well as your children's personalities and how to deal with each using psychological based theories..
FIND explanations to their behaviours and thoughts.
LEARN how to discipline, communicate, motivate and build self-esteem for each personality....
BUILD an "Exemplary family".
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