ended about 2 months


By Africa Fashion Museum | Musee De la Mode Africaine

Event Details

Tozali- Africa Fashion and Cultural Week Abuja is a reputable event driven by the mission to support the and bring awareness to Women and girls in internal displacement.

Displacement often aggravates gendered harmful social norms that discriminate and devalue girls' education, which together with gender-based violence, early marriage and pregnancy, create obstacles to learning.

Which is why with the Tozali Girl Child & Women Foundation we fight bring help to women and girls who contend with additional risks during their displacement journey, such as physical and sexual violence, kidnappings, early and forced marriages, and intimate partner violence. And the many who are suffering the resulting trauma for life.

In collaboration with by the Tozali Television and Magazine, a publication company that has been a central point for news publication and fashion for over a decade.

Tozali - Africa Fashion and Cultural Week is the “Largest gathering of runway models, designer houses, artist, authors, press, buyers, retailers, and fashion professionals promoting African's rich cultural heritage, celebrating diversity and pride.”

THEME: Unveiling Niche



Can I buy ticket at the gate?

Yes, tickets are also available at the Abuja Continental Hotel

How can I order an outfit for the dresscode?

Contact management via WhatsApp: +31650273334 | +234 703 903 6282

What can/can't I bring to the event?

Cash money in order to purchace unique garment straight from the runway, accessories or art pieces.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

WhatsApp: +31650273334 | +234 703 903 6282

Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Yes

Can I update my registration information?

Yes (Strict rules apply)

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