"Atogsiba's Journey" is a thought-provoking psychological drama that delves into the complexities of the human mind. The story follows Atogsiba's subconscious journey, where he encounters various aspects of his personality symbolized through friends, romantic interests, and alcohol. As he navigates this dreamlike world, he grapples with his desires, passions, and struggles, leading to a deeper understanding of himself.
However, the journey takes a dark and intense turn when Atogsiba confronts the harsh realities of his own psyche, culminating in a shocking confrontation with murder. This forces him to confront the depths of his own darkness and the true nature of his subconscious mind. Will he emerge from this journey with a newfound understanding of himself, or will he remain forever lost in the labyrinth of his own mind? The story raises important questions about the human condition, self-discovery, and the power of the subconscious.
Film Run Time - 1Hour
Director - Maxwell Atanga