The fast-changing landscape of international markets matters to everyone: consumers, buyers, traders, producers, and policymakers from the global trends, market access conditions and standards used at all levels in supply chains.
The International Trade Centre (ITC) and Women’s Haven Africa is organizing a Training workshop for SMEs and Companies, to learn about the Sustainability Map which is a FREE online gateway that enables businesses to promote their sustainability practices, gain visibility in the international supply chain and connect to international buyers.
Methodologies on analyzing issues related to proliferation of standards and compliance to their requirements will be at the core of this workshop.
The workshop will offer participants to learn about supply chain standards, accessing ITC’s public tools and resources to get practical information to support market research and export strategies.
The workshop will revolve around discussions about the key challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs when it comes to complying with sustainability standards’ requirements in order to meet the buyers’ demand in sustainability markets.
The ITC trainers will present the Sustainability Map tool, as a practical portfolio of online resource that helps clarify the complex landscape of international markets and support traders, manufacturers, brands, retailers and policy makers’ in taking well informed decisions and developing successful export strategies.
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