ended 10 months

Screen Out Loud presents: THE LAST QUEEN (2022)

By Screen Out Loud - Lagos

Event Details

Time-travel with us to 16th century Algiers for a story of love, lust, ambition, and war. THE LAST QUEEN is a visually-striking period piece directed by Damien Ounouri and Adila Bendimerad, with its rivetting plot taking the viewer through a range of emotions as the drama heightens with each twist in the tale. THE LAST QUEEN is inspired by the legendary Queen Zaphira, and intends to flesh out her hitherto underreported yet contested place in the history of Algeria. When Queen Zaphira commits herself to the mission of total freedom for Algiers after her husband's murder, peace becomes the most elusive thing.
You don't want to miss it. Tell a friend, and bring two more.

Discover more: screenoutlouder.com/the-last-queen/

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