Event Details
After successfully raised $1400 and bought 2(two) acres of land yesterday(19-Aug-2017), We have now started to raise $8,000 to start building our school and church that are going to benefit vulnerable children and community with free quality education and spiritual development respectively.
As various vulnerable children are still living a life with no education and if given its of the poorest quality to change their lives, SAVE THE GENERATION FOUNDATION we have chose to build our own school with goal to serve vulnerable children with FREE education quality and benefiting the rest of community.
With quality education to vulnerable children and spiritual development, we are going to unlock various long standing social, economical and spiritual challenges affecting vulnerable African children for a long time.
We are inviting your support, starting from your prayers, mobilization and money support, with you we are going to start building this school and next year it's to start operating.
We are thankful for your support. May God bless you.