Event Details
Exciting news!! GPZ will be hosting a Radical Night under the Theme, LETS TALK ABOUT SEX! the whole event will be focusing on Sexual Reproduction and Health Rights. All are welcome to attend, interact and learn about SRHRs. Radical Night is an Afternoon of expression, this means that any body with an Artistic Expression relating to the theme can Share (poetry, dance, art, design, music, blogging, story telling etc) ANYTHING GOES! come and have a gas with different like minded youth. There will be a jammed up number of activities happening on that Afternoon so you do not want to miss out on this insighful event. SEE YOU THERE!!
please note that registration is mandatory for this events if you want to share any artristic piece or have any contribution to the event.the piece or contribution should be in relation to the theme (LETS TALK ABOUT SEX). register your names and what you will be doing by emailing changuchibesa@gmail.com or texting,calling or whatsapp +260978694469. For any further queries on this event kindly refer to the above contact details.