Event Details
This is the facebook event page for the Python Boot Camp, to be held on the Multimedia University of Kenya on November 11-11-2016 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm . It is a one-day course intended for those with and without programming experience to learn the Python programming language. The goal is to get participants sufficiently up-to-speed that they can start building their own software to aid in their own scientific research.
During the bootcamp there will be a break as follows:
From 10:00 am to 10:30 am
From 12:40 pm to 2:00 pm
By registering your interest you are agreeing that you can attend and participate throughout the session. It is important that we have an accurate head count by the start of the Boot Camp.
Topics which will be discussed include:
Facts about Python
Areas where python is used and its Applications
Task Automation Introduction Using python
Python Variables
Python Indentation
Online help, help() and dir()
Python Strings and String Methods
Python Unicode Strings
If condition statement
Python Lists and List Methods
For loops and for Methods
While loops
Boolean Values
The None Value
Python Sorting and sorting Methods "sorted()"
Python sort() Method
Python Tuples
List Comprehensions
Python Dictionaries and Dictionary methods
Files Unicode
Flow Control Statements
Arithmetic Operators in Python
Comparison Operators
Python Functions
Return Values and Return Statements
Local and Global Scope
Exception Handling in Python
Importing modules in Python
Python Regular Expressions, Basic Patterns and repetition
Python Utilities