Event Details
12th Feb 2015
Dear Members,
Re: Notice of the Annual General Meeting Year: 2015
Notice is hereby given to all members that the annual general meeting for the year 2015 will be held on 14th March 2015 (Saturday) at 6.00pm at Pattni Brother Hood , Manu Rama Hall, 4th Parkland Avenue, Nairobi followed by Dinner (Maha Prasad) at 8.30pm.
The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:
1) Prayer
2) To receive and confirm the minutes of last AGM (29 Aug 2011)
3) Confirmation and adoption of Hon. Secretary’s Annual Report for the year 2014.
4) Confirmation and adoption of Hon. Treasurer’s Annual Report and Management Accounts for the year 2014. (Audited A/c up to 31-Dec-2013)
5) Address of Chairman on AGM
6) Election of Trustees
7) Election of Office bearers and Managing Committee for the year 2015-16.
8) Consideration and adoption of any relevant proposal or other matters of which a notice in writing has been given to the Hon. Secretary at least 14 (Fourteen) days prior to the date of AGM.
9) Aspirant candidate for any post should inform the interest to Hon. Secretary at least 14 (Fourteen) days prior to the date of meeting and must be registered Life Member / Paid Up member of Pattni Brotherhood.
10) Only Life Members / Paid up Members who registered before 28th Feb 2015 will be eligible to Vote (List of registered Life members as on 31-Jan-2015 is attached here with)
11) Any other business with permission of the Chairman.
Please kindly ensure your valuable attendance and participation at this meeting in time.
Yours sincerely,
Bhasker N Pattni
Hon. Secretary