Event Details
Hat Tourney Rules
1. Players register individually but may request to be baggaged with 1 other player
2. Teams will be compiled randomly according to ability/experience
3. All players must wear a crazy hat at all times on the field
4. Have fun and huck far
When : Saturday, December 3 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with a tournament party that night
Where: Kenya Science Campus, UoN, Ngong Road, Nairobi (accross from the Junction Shopping Centre) https://goo.gl/maps/VgqE1Wk4TvD2
Who : Male and Female Ultimate Frisbee players of all abilities
Why : Build the East African ultimate community by playing and mixing with players from around the region
Pay: KSh1500 ($15) to Nairobi Ultimate (Temporary) Finance Minister Isaiah Lyons-Galante by Friday November 25 by cash, MPESA to 0723004343, or PAYPAL to ilyonsgalante@gmail.com
Tournament fees include fields, tournament shirts, tournament prizes, tourney shuttles, breakfast, lunch, and water at fields, and at least one drink at the party.
Hosting: Several Nairobi players are offering to host visiting players and a list of preferred accomodations will be shared soon. Get in touch if you would like to be hosted.
Much disc love,
Nairobi Ultimate Club