By Box Breaker Global
Are you a business executive, entrepreneur, or investor? Then get ready for Saturday, July 29, 2023 @ 12 Noon Sharp. What’s happening you might ask on that date? Well, let me tell you. Kingdom International Consortium, a Brooklyn, New York USA based organization is coming to Accra to host their FIRST Annual Kingdom Mandate Conference: Kingdom Impacting Business Executive Luncheon Banquet.
This will take place at Redemption House on Sasso Street, East Legon. This years event is totally free of cost and will focus on bridging the business, corporate, and economic gap between the North American and the African continents. As a leader in the business environment of Ghana, we know that your presence will be an added asset to our conversation. Seating is limited, so please log on to to register and reserve your seat RIGHT NOW!!!!!
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