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Welcome to the Christian Millionaire BookClub®. This is more than just a book club.
We are a Group of Christian entrepreneurs and our aim is to create 12,000 millionaires with a purpose by circulating wealth, knowledge and innovation.
If your aim is to become a knowledge and wealth distributor, why not join us at our monthly MILLIONAIRE BOOK CLUB.
Our theme for June is Mindset and we will be reviewing Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
During this session expect to:
Blessing: +233(0)59 902 8162 WhatsApp: +44(0)7984616693
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The Christian Millionaire BookClub® is a membership organisation. Events are free for first timers and our members who pay by monthly instalment. If you are interested in joining us as a member please visit and sign up on our website or alternatively please join us as a special guest (complimentary) at the above event to discover more!
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