
In His Presence Gospel Comedy Tour Ghana And Nigeria

By Comedy Tour
Sat, Mar 3. 3AM - Sat 3AM
Ada, Ghana, Ada
ended over 6 years
In His Presence Gospel Comedy Tour Ghana And Nigeria

In His Presence Comedy Tour, 2018 PURPOSE In the words of Myles Munroe, ''When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable''. It is to this effect we wish to state categorically clear the purpose for this great event( IN HIS PRESENCE GOSPEL COMEDY TOUR 2018). While there are many who believe Christiainity to be very sober and without much fun and laughter, this is actually not the case. God made each of us with our many emotions so we could fully experience and appreciate the entirety of His creation. If His word in Psalm 2:4 says ''he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, and His word in the later part of Ephesians 2:6 says ''We are sitteth together with Him in heavenly places'' it won't be any wrong to say God is the authro of laughter. He encourages us not only to find joy in the things He has given us but also to find joy and laughter in His very presence (Psalm 4:7, 16:11, 32:11) One only needs to look around to see the joy and even humor that God has built into the world. From the platypus to the lumbering hippopotamus to the antics of the monkeys to the chirping of the birds, we see lots of living things that bring laughter and amusement. God gave us the ability to laugh, whether in joy, at a funny situation or even at a good joke. Having said that, there are however lots of things the world finds funny today that are not truly pleasing to God. There are many stand-up comedians and comedy movies that capitalize on the darker, negative, raunchier side of humor to get cheap laughs. but ideally, as Christians, we are admonished to fill our minds with noble and admirable contents (Philippians 4:8) and also to resist crude joking (Ephisians 5:4). This type of impurity, even in the name of humor is not in line with the attitude God calls us to have; one of holiness. Everything God does is loving and good. But as humans,tainted by sin, we often find ourselves laughting at the expense of others. This type of ridiculing jokes are questionable at best, as they do not show charity and mutual respect to those around us. Seeking to garner laughs in an unkind and derision manner is not a godly act. So how should a Christian view comedy? At its essence, there is absolutely nothing wrong with comedy. There are certainly plenty of things to laugh at in our day to day lives that are pure and praiseworthy. In fact, there are a good number of Christian comedians and comedic movies. Genuine humor is a godly thing and the Lord wants us to be joyful (John 15:11). The bible made it clear to us that a ''merry heart(a heart filled with laughter) doeth good like a medicine''(Proverbs 17:22) and this also points out to us that comedy can be used as tool for healing. This was the case when one of our comedian(Comic Davstar) was invited to minister in a church (Saviour's Apoatolic Grace Mission Incorporation) in Benin, Nigeria, August, 2013. Beneath the church was a small clinic where a certain man(Mr. Daniel Osatohamwen) was admitted. According to his testimony, he said he felt power and energy resurge in him as he listened to the comedian ministered and he could get up from his resting bed and walk the stairs up to see the comedian ministering and that was how he never went back to the sickbed. Having said all of these, we thereby wish to state that some of the purposes of this comedy tour amongst many others are to spread joy amongst brethren of the household of faith, believing God that many persons will be healed of oppression and emotional depressions, and also to use comedy as a tool of evangelism to win many more souls to the Kingdom. And all of these we plan to achieve using educative, entertaining, moral and informative Christian comedy content. For more information call the number on the poster Be part of this great tour

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