The advent of social media has changed the way people interact and has also brought with it many benefits. A community has been created with these social media platforms; where people meet friends and others use them as an avenue for marketing their ideas and businesses. At the same time the many platforms have been used as avenues for perpetuating social vices. The negative impact of social networking sites cuts across the fabric of society. The youth are often the most vulnerable.
This month’s ‘A Day in Tech’ will host Maximus Ametorgah, founder and Managing Director of PopOut. PopOut is a digital marketing firm that specializes in using social media and other tools to announce the presence of businesses online. He will lead us in the discussion of the topic: “Is Social Media Affecting Our Ghanaian Culture?” Maximus is clearly experienced in this field; therefore you can’t afford to miss this informative talk session. Join us at the Mobile Web Ghana lab, Madina on the 28th of March (5pm-7pm) for this month’s ‘A Day in Tech’.
You can call 0541719387 for more enquiries. Thank you.
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