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We are a global Black people in need of a national healing in Ghana, and a racial healing globally from the scars, trauma and wounds of colonialism, enslavement, Apartheid and its legacy. At this time, as more and more people from the Diaspora return home to Ghana, as they seek to put down roots, invest, create community, they land o the weight of our history, which continues to show up and shape how the Diaspora and Ghana engage. We are a people in need of a healing for, among and with each other.
‘Healing Harm, Heeding History’ is a creative approach, an annual event, to bring Ghana and the Diaspora together to engage in Black on Black healing, here in Ghana across the Continent and the Diaspora. We will be transforming September into a month focused on Black on Black healing through events and exchanges live and online in Ghana. This first event is in person.
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