By ECHE-Earthwise Citizens' Health Empowerment NGO
Green - Renewable Energy & Climate
Welcome to our exciting event, Green - Renewable Energy & Climate ! This summit is a premier international event aimed at addressing the critical challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to sustainable energy systems and the urgent need to combat climate change. This summit will bring together policy-makers, industry leaders, academics, and environmental advocates to foster collaboration, share insights, and develop actionable strategies to accelerate the adoption of green and renewable energy technologies in Nigeria and the attendant health consequencies of the exploitation activities of our natural ecosystem.
Join us at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja for Three days filled with insightful discussions, innovative solutions, and networking opportunities surrounding renewable energy and climate change. Learn from industry experts, engage in interactive sessions, and discover how you can make a positive impact on the environment.
Don't miss out on this chance to be a part of the green revolution!
NOTE: This event is only free for University students in Renewable Energy and Climate-related fields ( With proof of studenship upon entry ). Other participants and exhibitors will receive a separate email with details for payment instructions.
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