By LEED for Cities and Communities
When: An in-person 8-hr training is now available on May 23, 2024, for 9am-5:30pm to obtain a pro certificate in LEED for Cities and Communities rating system at the Ghana Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority.
What: The U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for Cities and Communities rating system has helped more than 415 projects globally in creating and operationalizing responsible, sustainable and specific plans for natural systems, energy, water, waste, transportation and many other factors that contribute to the quality of life—revolutionizing the way cities and communities are planned, developed and operated in order to improve their overall sustainability and quality of life. This LEED framework encompasses social, economic and environmental performance indicators and strategies with a clear, data-driven means of benchmarking and communicating progress.
Globally recognized experts from Ghana on the rating system and certification process for LEED for Cities and Communities are needed to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and transform all cities and communities in Ghana to be planned and performing at the highest levels of sustainability and equity. Such experts in Ghana are also expected to move these communities to net zero energy, water, waste or carbon neutrality and beyond. Project teams in Ghana need to understand the various data and documentation needs of every credit and prerequisite. Additionally, they need to understand the best practices and nuances of the certification process and follow it to offer a seamless certification process for their clients.
With this course and the resulting two badges, you’ll be on your way to improving the planning and performance of your city and community projects in Ghana and globally.
Professionals working in the fields of the built environment, urban planning and sustainability, including consultants, government officials, NGO staff and students in Ghana will gain an opportunity to learn from USGBC staff who has already helped more than 250 LEED for Cities and Communities projects.
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