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Course Overview
This 10-day course provides an in-depth understanding of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and Sexual Harassment (SH) in the workplace. The training equips participants with best practices for prevention, mitigation, and redress, ensuring a safe, ethical, and healthy work environment.
The training program aims to:
- Provide a clear understanding of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and Sexual Harassment (SH) in the workplace.
- Equip participants with knowledge on identifying GBV risks and implementing effective prevention measures.
- Enable participants to apply a survivor-centered approach for managing GBV cases.
- Strengthen data collection, sharing, and management processes while maintaining confidentiality.
- Promote a multi-sectoral approach to GBV coordination and management.
- Understand how GBV risks manifest in the workplace and develop mechanisms to address them.
- Establish and implement a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) tailored to GBV-related incidents.
- Develop clear and safe reporting protocols for GBV.
- Conduct thorough investigations for GBV cases, with respect for confidentiality and survivor needs.
- Facilitate case resolution processes for GBV incidents, ensuring compliance with institutional policies.
Course Duration: 10 days
Course Outline
Introduction to GBV/SEA/SH
- Definitions of GBV, SEA, and SH
- Forms of GBV risks
- Causes, consequences, and impacts of GBV
2. GBV Prevention Measures
- GBV risk identification and assessment
- Prevention measures and categories
- Stakeholder engagement and the role of men and boys
- Challenges and case scenario
3. GBV Response Measures
- Survivor-centered approach
- Mapping GBV service providers
- Establishing referral pathways
- Legal frameworks for GBV
- Case management processes
4. GBV Data and Information Management
- Consent and information sharing
- Confidentiality vs consent
- Data collection protocols
- Best practices in data storage and management
- Data analysis and reporting
5. GBV Coordination and Management
- Multi-sectoral approach to GBV
- Establishing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Developing a GBV action plan
- Institutional policy frameworks for GBV
- Coordination of service delivery and resource advocacy
- Field excursion
6. GBV Risk at the Workplace
- Manifestation of GBV risks in the workplace
- Sexual Harassment (SH) and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) case scenarios
- Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
7. Establishing a GBV Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
- Characteristics of a GBV-specific GRM
- Four stages of the GRM process
- Developing a GRM chart
- Institutional compliance measures (Code of Ethics, etc.)
8. GBV Reporting Protocols
- Creating a safe reporting environment for survivors
- Survivor risk assessment
- Referral to available services
- Developing action plans, safety plans, and consent protocols
9. GBV Investigation Processes
- Investigation justification and preparations
- Key investigation principles and guidelines
- Confidentiality agreements and investigation schedules
- Interviewing skills and templates
- Investigation report templates
10. GBV Case Resolution Processes
- Identifying policy violations and categorizing cases
- Recommending actions based on compliance measures
Monica C. | Training Coordinator
Cell / WhatsApp: +254 712 028 449