Event Details
Vi er lige nu i Ghana, hvor vi hjaelper til med at bygge en spisesal paa en lokal folkeskole, Tore’s School. Vi er rejst herned med Projects Abroad, som gennem de sidste fem aar har bygget hele skolen – seks klasselokaler, toiletter, et bibliotek, en fodboldbane og en legeplads.
Tore's School er en meget progressiv og nytaenkende skole i ghanesisk perspektiv og er stiftet af Tore's Foundation. Tore's Foundation laegger vaegt paa gensidig respekt mellem elever og laerere, hvilket b.la. betyder, at laererne ikke slaar boernene, hvilket ellers er normal praksis i Ghana. Ideen er, at denne respekt skal give eleverne mod til at danne deres egne holdninger og ytre dem aabent – uden frygt for at sige noget forkert.
De ghanesiske boern bliver generelt ikke opfordret til at have holdninger, og hvis de har nogen, er det ikke velset, at de deler dem hverken i skolen eller derhjemme. Tore's Foundation goer op med disse traditioner med et maal om, at deres elever kan vaere med til at aendre dem og skabe et mere demokratisk samfund.
Tore's School er gratis at gaa paa, fordi Tore's Foundation sponsorerer baade skolegang, skoleuniformer, skolematerialer, mad og vand til boernene. Samtidig er tanken at foelge eleverne op gennem uddannelsessystemet og sponsorere flere af elevernes universitetsuddannelser, saa de kan vaere med til at aendre det ghanesiske samfund.
Den nye spisesal er vigtig, fordi boernene nu sidder paa jorden og spiser frokost hver dag. Spisesalen vil give boernene et sted, hvor de kan spise deres mad under ordentlige, hygiejniske og vaerdige forhold.
Spisesalen kommer til at staa klar inden for de naeste par uger, og vi kunne rigtig godt taenke os at donere moebler til den, saa boernene kan tage den i brug hurtigst muligt.
Til det haaber vi at faa jeres hjaelp. Vi har gennem de lokale fra Projects Abroad faaet et estimat paa, hvor meget det vil koste at koebe materialer til de forskellige moebler.
Et langbord: 64 kr.
En baenk til langbord: 56 kr.
I alt (materialer og arbejdskraft): 4500 kr.
Som I kan se, vil hvert et lille bidrag hjaelpe os meget paa vej og vil naturligvis vaere stort vaerdsat.
Al evt. overskud vil gå direkte til Tore's Foundation og hjælpe med at give børnene nye skoleuniformer, skoletasker, skolebøger osv.
Donationer kan overføres til Caroline Reuter på
MobilePay: +4529802041
Reg nr.: 4560
Konto nr.: 4560898495
Right now we are in Ghana where we are building a dining room at a local school, Tore’s School. We travel with an organisation called Projects Abroad which has built the whole school during the last five years – six classrooms, toilets, a library, a football pitch and a playground.
Tore’ School is a very newthinking and progressive school in Ghanian perspective, and it was founded by Tore’s Foundation. Tore’s Foundation focuses on mutual respect between teacher and students. Åmongst other things, this means that the teacher is not allowed to hit the children, which they do in most schools in Ghana. The idea is that this respect will give the students the courage to develope their own opinions and express them – without fear of saying something wrong and bring punished.
The Ghanian children are not usually encouraged to have opinions at all, and if they have any it is not well received that they share them in school or at home. Tore’s Foundation wants to change these traditions with an overall goal that their students can participate in developing them and creating a more democratic society.
Tore’s Foundation pays for the children's education, school uniforms, food and water which means that it is free for the kids to attend the school. At the same time it is the plan to follow the kids through their further education and to give some of the kids scholarships for university so they can help improve the Ghanian society.
THE DINING ROOM (WHAT DO WE WANT?) Right now the kids have nowhere to sit and eat their lunch which means that they sit on the ground and eat everyday. This is why the new dining room is important. The children need a place where they can eat their food in a decent, hygienic and worthy environment.
The dining room will be ready within a few weeks and we really want to donate furniture in order that the children can make use of it as soon as possible. This is where we need your help.
Through the local staff from Projects Abroad we were given an estimate of how much it will cost to buy materials for the furniture.
A long table: 8.5 Euros, 9 US Dollars.
A bench for the long table: 7 Euros, 7.5 Dollars.
Total (materials and manpower): 606 Euros, 641 Dollars.
As you can see, even a little contribution will help a lot and will be extremely appreciated.
Any money we raise above 606 Euros
will go to the Tore’s Foundation and help Education the children, give them new uniforms, back packs, school materials and so on.
Donations can be made through intertional transfer to Caroline Reuter
IBAN: DK5830004560898495