African Garage is proud to host more than 176 Investors including angel investors and Venture Capitalists, more than 400 start-ups, 27 business leaders and CEOs and 17 Entrepreneur Supporting organization on 29th and 30th of September 2016 at Windsor Golf and Country Club for Founders and Funders Golf Open.
Start-up will be paired with investors within their resppective industry and will play golf as start-up pitch for an investment in their company.
The ticket cost is 250 USD and this will carter for:
1. Golf playing fee (green fee)
2. Dinner with investors
3. Exihibition for start-up(booth for two days)
4. Pitching and Talk (Ted Style) tickets
5. Cocktail and refreshmement during the event.
For more information send an email to or or call +254 724 404 975