‘For 30 Pieces Of Silver?’ The 12th episode of Speak With Dilys’ on Sunday 5 July at 7pm.
To trust a friend, be there for them and be loyal is what any good and decent friend would be expected to do - but all too often something changes and betrayal happens. What is that something? Is it jealousy? Envy? Do you just outgrow each other, or is it something more? How do you get over the pain of a friend stabbing you in the back? Let’s have a chat on Sunday and I will show you what to look out for; the red flags you can spot that will tell you your friend is a ticking time bomb. I’ll give you the heads up on what a Judas in your camp looks like and how to run before things explode! Join me here for another great and eye opening episode of Speak With Dilys via FB Live on this page
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