By Adventure Junkies
This is an Environment 360 initiative powered by Adventure Junkies Ghana to educate on sustainable waste management and how we can creatively make money from these plastic wastes.
This is an annual competition strategized to educate, inform and train on creative uses of plastic waste.
The plan is to organize friends, family, colleagues and mates into a group of not more than five persons.
Make a boat or a floating device that can transport 2 persons.
The boat should be made solely from plastics waste.
On 3rd October we all meet at Marina Park, Ashalley Botwe to show of our projects.
Prizes includes best team name, best design, best team attire, the winner will be the boat that floats farthest.
To enter competition call: 024 44669851 or
Join us raise the awareness on how we can creatively recycle plastic waste.
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