Event Details
Farming God’s Way training.
(24th - 27th March, 2015) @Care of Creation Kenya, Kijabe - Kenya.
Arrival and registration: 5 pm, Tuesday, 24th March 2015.
Time Frame:
o Opening session: Tue 24th Mar, 7pm.
o Departure: Fri 27th Feb, 2pm.
Accommodation: Moffat Bible College Guest House, Kijabe.
Pre-Registration: If you would like to pre-register for this event, or obtain more information about the training, please contact Dorcas Mburu by email (adminkenya@careofcreation.org) and copy your message to Daniel Lagat as well (dlagat@careofcreation.org). You may also reach us by phone: Office - 0731-772203 / 0712-772203.