An entrepreneurial culture that positively values constructive organisational structures and systems is
a key determinant of the success of any business establishment. Yet, it is quite surprising that most
MSME owners and operators have no laid down organizational structures, processes and systems for
their businesses and employees to follow. Given that organizational culture is at the core of norms
and values that directly affect operations and further influences the productivity and wellbeing of an
organization, its absence has been responsible for the stunted growth of numerous MSMEs in Ghana.
This conference creates a platform where successful business people, technical assistance
providers and all other stakeholders can bring together their wide range of experiences and expertise
to discuss the challenges facing the missing middle. It will also provide implementable solutions to
overcome barriers to growth.
Overall, the conference will highlight key problem areas and provide practical solutions. This year’s conference will be different from all other conferences in the following ways in that it will bring
• Over 50 firms from private equity and the financial services industry;
• Over 60 investments ready businesses;
• Over 100 successful businesses to showcase;
• An array of products and services by Ghanaian businesses;
• Accomplished entrepreneurs and CEOs of Ghanaian businesses community;
• Key academics, experts, International investors and businessmen;
• Members of the Association of Ghana Industries;
• Government officials and policymakers; and
• Highlight case studies of good entrepreneurs and businesses etc.
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