E'April Public Relations
Starting and sustaining a business in fashion and beauty can be a challenging one especially when there is very limited resources to learn about how to build and communicate your brand values to the right customers.
“Fashion and Beauty PR-eneur Masterclass” is aimed at teaching and demonstrating how fashion, beauty and lifestyle entrepreneurs can incorporate PR into their branding and marketing efforts.
It is known that PR plays a very significant role in the process from start. It gives insights into the values a person or a company embraces as it is able to take people beyond the product to what you are really all about.
Register and book a seat for our one-day interactive session where we would share the tips, tricks and all that you need to know about the importance of PR to your brand’s success and how best you can create and communicate your brand values and which channels you can use.
It will be hosted by our Fashion PR Specialist Faith Senam and
Marketing & Communications Professional with expertise in Digital Marketing and Communications Stephen N. Boadi
Date: Wednesday 27 February, 2019
Venue: Regus, Roman Ridge
Time: 10am - 3pm
Fee: GHS 350 ( Course Materials, Lunch, Certificate)
eaprilpr@gmail.com or call 0555757881 to book your seat. Limited Seats!!
#FashionandBeautyPRMasterclass #FashionPR #BeautyPR #LifestylePR #eaprilpr #PRmasterclass