
ended over 7 years

DigCit Summit Nigeria

By Digital Citizenship Summit Nigeria

Tue, Jul 25. 7AM - Wed 3PM

Event Details

You are familiar with stories of Nigerians misusing social media and technology, from online rumour perpetrators specializing in fake news, to young people engaging in nefarious sharing of inappropriate materials and the different shades of internet scams causing harm to people. Digital Citizenship, a concept that helps teachers, technology leaders, parents and the society to understand what students, children, and technology users should know to use technology responsibly is gaining world-wide appeal in addressing issues surrounding the inappropriate, irresponsible use and fear of technology. Digital Citizenship Summit Nigeria (DigCitSummitNG) is the first to be hosted in Africa following the lead of the United States and United Kingdom. The theme of the summit is “Ensuring responsible, safe and savvy digital citizens.” About 1,000 participants including students, educators, parents, administrators (head teachers and principals), librarians, media specialists, organizations, business, industry, thought leaders, advocates (teen, cyber), education officials at the local, state and federal levels are expected to attend. About a dozen local and international speakers drawn from industry, academia and the government will explore all the ramifications about the pervasive use of technology, outline how our young people can have full digital participation in society in a responsible, safe and savvy manner, and finally explain the critical reasons why digital citizenship education must become part of the school curriculum across Nigeria’s educational system while also providing an outreach to the community. The two-day program will feature speeches, panel discussions, break-out sessions, and round up with a networking reception. At the end of the summit, participants would have expanded their awareness on the subject of digital citizenship and know about the excellent resources that are available to help them integrate digital citizenship lessons into their classrooms as well as sharing digital citizenship information with their communities.
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