
ended about 10 years

"Arada", permanent photography exhibition at the Addis Ababa Museum

By Metamorfose ambulante

Thu, Dec 11. 3PM - 6PM

Event Details

Included by New York Times and Lonely Planet in the list of the World’s Top Cities to visit, Addis Ababa is the symbol of African renaissance. The city is evolving at a fast pace, experiencing a stable economic growth and a massive urban expansion. To make room for a new skyline worthy of a modern global capital, the City Administration has undertaken a big clearing program concerning lots of informal settlements - according to Un Habitat 80% of Addis surface is occupied by “slums” - whose inhabitants will be relocated to new modern suburb condominiums. “Arada” is the first chapter of a photographic collection by Italian photographer Adriano Marzi, featuring images from the popular sefer (districts) which will gradually disappear, and is dedicated to Addis Ababa's central sefer. Fascinated by the social networks and the cultural values which characterize daily life in these informal communities, Adriano Marzi photographic work will be gifted to Addis Ababa Museum to set up a permanent photographic exhibition dedicated to the city's memory. Area protagonists of this first exhibition are Doro Manekia, Sarategna Sefer, Atekilit Tera, Wube Braha, Talian Sefer, Erii Bekentu, Seba Dereja, Ras Makonen Deldeye.
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