Event Details
In collaboration with UZIKWASA and with the support of the Development Partners Group Gender Equality the Goethe-Institut presents the Tanzanian movie "Aisha". The movie will be screened during the international campaign "16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence" which takes place from 25th of November to 10 December.
Aisha, a young ambitious business woman living in the city returns to her home village to attend her younger sister’s wedding. As she re-connects with her past, meeting family and friends, something unexpected happens that has disastrous consequences for her life. Everyone else would rather turn a blind eye, but Aisha decides to fight a tough battle for justice.
This film is dedicated to all women who have gone through the same extraordinary sufferings as Aisha.
"Aisha" is UZIKWASA's third film in a series of feature films about common forms of violence against women and girls. The film is part of a larger multimedia communication campaign "Banja Bas!" (Speak out!) in Pangani, Tanzania. It tells the story about stigma, shame and victim blame and about authorities' and leaders' reluctance to take action against violations of women's rights.