By Adomsquared
Come join Adomsquared to discuss some of the most inspiring topics in the art comminuty in Ghana. There are various topics that need to be talked about and after, worked upon. Such include,
Education in Ghana- Is there enough education in Ghana on art? And if so are there enough resources to adequately teach students in Ghana and motivate them to carry on pursuing their creative side?
How tough is it?- For there to be a discussion it is clear that artists do face the challenge of pursuing their career in Ghana. Where did we go wrong? What can we do about it?
How can we improve?- After the discussion the main goal is to act on what has been said. Is it time for us to take esponsibility?
This and many more is going to be discussed on the 30th of August 2019, from 13:30-16:00. There is a free buffet available as well. Come have a relaxed time discussing pressing issues ongoing in Ghana's art community. Hear from so many artists and we would love to hear from you!
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