The SADC Peoples’ Summit is a project of the Southern Africa Peoples’ Solidarity Network (SAPSN). The Summit Project in the present format of, participation by the ordinary citizens of the region started in 2006 in Maseru Lesotho. Since 2003 SAPSN has organized and convened workshops for SAPSN members to discuss and share information about the impact of neo-liberal policies emanating from the SADC Governments engagements with institutions such as the World Bank – IMF and World Trade Organization. The Peoples’ Summit Project also sought to consolidate and deepen the cooperation and solidarity that the people of the Southern African region had developed during the fight for the liberation of the region. It was through the ordinary peoples’ support, sacrifices and solidarity that brought the political independence to the region culminating in the fall of the last colony in Southern Africa leading to the end of the political Apartheid State in South Africa. Through the mobilization of the ordinary SADC citizenry and formation of SAPSN – SAPSN members sought to organize themselves to challenge neo-liberal policies in their respective countries so as to demand meaningful economic benefits arising from the political independence.